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Information Resources Management Association
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Abu Saleh Mohammad Sowad

Abu Saleh Mohammad Sowad is currently working at University of Dhaka as a lecturer and a freelance consultant in the field of Gender and Development. Formerly, he has worked with NETZ Partnership for Development and Justice as a young researcher, where his primary job responsibility was to conduct a study on the impact of development interventions on women’s position in gender power relations; as a consultant with OXFAM Bangladesh, where he analysed gender consciousness and sustainability of one of their major projects in Bangladesh using qualitative analysis. Before that as a research fellow of ‘USAID small research grants for master’s students and young teachers 2010’, he had analysed the gendered implications of one of the main development projects of USAID/Bangladesh focused on sustainable natural disaster mitigation. He has also gained first-hand field experience regarding international development by joining the USAID outreach program and participating in a students’ exchange program at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand on gender and development.
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