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Information Resources Management Association
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Carlo Vercellis

Carlo Vercellis is full professor at the Politecnico di Milano, where he teaches courses in Optimization and Business intelligence. He is also director of the research group MOLD - mathematical modeling, optimization, learning from data. Previously, after his graduation in Mathematics at the Università di Milano, he has been with the National Research Council (CNR), the Bocconi University, the Università di Milano. He has coordinated national and international research programs funded by EEC, CNR and MIUR. His current research interests include mathematical models for learning, such as support vector machines and classification trees; data mining and machine learning, and their applications to relational marketing and biolife sciences; optimization models and methods, in particular with applications to supply chain and revenue management. In the past he was involved in research on design and analysis of algorithms for combinatorial optimization, project management, transportation models. He is author of several books and more than seventy papers, mostly appeared in refereed international journals and edited books.
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