Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Howard A. Doughty

Howard Doughty has lectured at a number of colleges and universities in Canada and the USA - notably McMaster University, the Ontario Insitute for Studies in Education, St. Mary's University, and the Universities of Hawai'i and Toronto. He has also taught at in the MA program in Diplomacy and Military Studies and the Department of Sociology at Hawai'i Pacific University and is currently completing his 53rd year as a Professor at Seneca College in Toronto. A former editor of Bridges: Explorations in Science, Technology and Society (1986-1991), The College Quarterly (1992-2017), and The Innovation Journal (1998-2020), he is currently a regular contributor to Critical Links, a monthly publication of The Centre for Inquiry Canada. He has published widely on the theory and practice of democracy and critical pedagogy. His most recent books in include Soft Science: Notes and Readings in Cultural Anthropology, Culture and Difference, and Discourse and Community (the latter two edited with Marino Tuzi). Howard Doughty is also a community and trade union activist with over 40 years as an elected Local and occasional provincial Executive Member of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, a 180,000-member union representing blue-collar, white-collar, and professional public-sector workers. In 2017, he received a "lifetime achievement" award from his union and, perhaps counter-intuitively, was presented with a "Canada 150 Citizenship Award by the Parliament of Canada on the occasion of the nation's Sesquicentennial.
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