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Santo Banerjee

Santo Banerjee (PhD, Physics; 2008) was a senior research associate in Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy and also a research scientist in Micro and Nanotechnology Unit in Techfab s.r.l., Chivasso, Italy from 2009-2011. Currently he is a research associate in the Institute for Mathematical Research, UPM, Malaysia. He is also a founder member of the International Science Association (ISCASS), Ankara, Turkey and head of the Department of Complexity and Network Dynamics, ISCASS. He has 11 books and total 75 research articles in the field of Nonlinear Dynamics and its various applications. His current research area includes Chaotic systems, Laser and Plasma, Synchronization, Cryptography, Genetic Engineering and Soft Computing, Social and Neural networks, Non linearity in Management, Econophysics etc. He has organized many international Conferences. He was a keynote speaker in many International Symposiums, also reviewer of more that 30 SCI indexed international journals. He is an editor of "International Journal of Chaos and Complex Systems" (IJCCS) under ISCASS.
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