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Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Airen Edale Adetimirin

Airen E. Adetimirin is a Professor in the Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture (Crop Science) from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan (1989) and a Diploma in Data Processing from the Institute of Data Processing Management, London, United Kingdom (1991). She holds Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Library and Information Studies from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria in 1997 and 2008 respectively. Prof Adetimirin is involved with teaching and research supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. In the University of Ibadan, she has served in many committees at the Departmental, Faculty and University levels such as: Departmental Deputy Coordinator for Distance Learning, Postgraduate Seminar Coordinator, Postgraduate Coordinator, Student Adviser and member of the Finance, Inaugural, Orientation and Ethics committees in the Faculty. She has also served as Chairperson of the Faculty and Departmental Library Committee, ICT Laboratory and Welfare committees. Her research interests are ICT use by different user groups, Distance Learning, Ethics, Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development. Prof Adetimirin has attended many conferences and workshops in Nigeria and other countries and published articles in journals and chapters in books both locally and internationally. She is a reviewer for many journals such as Electronic Library, Informing Science, Open Learning; The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, Nigerian Journal of Library and Information Science and others. Prof Adetimirin has served as External Examiners to some universities in Nigeria and resource persons to many national and international organizations. Prof Adetimirin is a Certified Librarian of Nigeria (CLN), member of the: Nigerian Library Association (NLA), Nigerian Association of Library and Information Science Educators (NALISE), Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), United Kingdom and Informing Science, United States of America. She is a convener of many groups that mentors teenagers, students and young professionals through online webinars and discussion groups on areas such as academic integrity, ethical behavior and good citizenship. Prof Adetimirin is also actively involved in community services to secondary schools and library and information professionals as she belongs to some organizations that provide educational services to the community on pro bono basis: Concerned Parents and Educators (CPE), Library and Information Team (LISCON). Prof Adetimirin has received grants and awards from national and professional bodies.
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