Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Ali Ahmadi

Ali Ahmadi is currently an Assist Prof at Accounting at the university of Gafsa, Tunisia with an academic experience of 9 years. He holds a master’s degree in accounting. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy in financial and accounting methods from Sfax University, Tunisia. He has published research papers in reputed SCOPUS/Web of Science/SCI/ABDC/UGC Care Journals. Assit Prof. Ali has more than 20 publications and 18 National & International seminars and conferences, and 3 book chapters (IGI). He is also reviewer in several Scopus/ABDC/ABS journals. Overall, he is a very dynamic, creative, and positive individual. His motto in life is to grow and help others in growth.
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