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Information Resources Management Association
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Ana Tomé

Ana Tomé has been a physiotherapist since 1998. Certified educator since 2001. Post-graduated in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy (2005). Master in Physiotherapy and Public Health (2011). Specialist in Physiotherapy in 2022 (academic degree). Currently PhD student of the PhD Program in Clinical Research and Translational Medicine. Clinical experience in hospital setting on intensive care units, cardiology, surgery and paediatric units, and cardiac rehabilitation program since 1998. Implementation of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program (2007-2020). Private practice since 2000 (cardiorespiratory physiotherapy, paediatric care, manual therapy, cranio-temporomandibular pain and disfunction and RPG. Lecturer at School of Health in University of Algarve. Clinical educator and learning tutor in clinical practice of physiotherapy students. Research interests: exercise and well-being, aging and elderly, active aging, health promotion and health education, cranio-cervical and temporomandibular disorders, movement and balance disorders. ORCID: 0000-0003-0122-8579
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