Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Ankita Chaturvedi

Ankita Chaturvedi is currently working as an Associate Professor at IIS (deemed to be University), Jaipur and has over 16+ years of teaching experience. She received her Ph.d degree(2011), Master’s in Accounting and Business Statistics(2006), and Master’s in Economics and Financial Management(2018) from University of Rajasthan, India. She has qualified NET in Commerce in 2015. She is an author or Co-author of more than 46 research papers published in national or international refereed journals, 11 chapters in edited books, 3 books with ISBN number and more than 50 conference contributions. She has received several (22) awards in the field of academics and research. She has supervised around 18 PG dissertations. She is supervising 6 Ph.d Thesis and 6 Ph.d degrees has been awarded under her guidance. She has been convener of various academic events like international conference, training programmes, Research workshop, Board of Studies etc. She has attended various more than 22 FDP’s and training programmes.
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