Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Ferenc Kiss

Ferenc Kiss , habil, PhD, R&D director at Foundation for Information Society, Infota Research Institute. President of Hungarian Academy of Sciences Knowledge Business and Management Science Committee Management Working Group. MSc. el. eng, MSc. banking IT, PhD in management and organization. Formerly, in 1997-2007 Depty. Head, Dept. of Information and Knolwledge Management at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in 2009-2022 Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation at Budapest Metropolitan University. Main research areas are information and knowledge management methods and technologies, education methods, preservation and management of cultural and intangible heritage. Besides his academic career he participated in numerous local and international projects as a researcher, expert and project manager in banking and finance, automotive, logistics, trade, agriculture and tourism industries, in higher and adult education, as well as for museums, archives and heritage management organizations.
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