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Information Resources Management Association
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Ibrahim Kamel Alshawabkeh

Ibrahim Al-Shawabkeh holds a PHD in public law from Al-Manar University, Tunisia 2002, Master in Law (LL.M.) from the University of Jordan 1997, and a (LL. B) from the University of Jordan 1994. Dr. Al-Shawabkeh began his professional life by working for the Jordanian House of Representatives as secretary of the Legal Committee and then as head of the Studies and Research Department, after which he moved to work in the Academic field at the University of Jordan, then Yarmouk University, then the United Arab Emirates University. Al-Shawabkeh currently works as chairman of the Public Law Department at the United Emirates University. Dr. Al-Shawabkeh has many published books and articles. He is also interested in the topics of tax legislation, the environment, public employment, and constitutional law.
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