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Iviane Ramos de Luna

Iviane Ramos de Luna is an Assistant professor in the Economic and Business Studies Department at the Open University of Catalonia (Spain). She holds a Ph.D. in Business Sciences and a Master’s degree in Marketing and consumer behavior from the University of Granada (Spain), and has a degree in Business Administration from CESED - Higher Education and Development Center (Brazil). She is a member of the Digital Business Research Group (DigiBiz), officially recognized as a Consolidated Research Group, and collaborates as a researcher in the "Gestão Empresarial" research group from the State University of Paraíba-UEPB (Brazil). Currently, her research focuses on consumer behavior in relation to technological innovations, especially in matters related to e-commerce, m-commerce, mobile payments, financial applications/platforms and sharing services. The results of her research have been published in relevant journals in the scientific environment (Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, etc.) and in various national and international conferences (International Marketing Conference AEMARK, 8th International Scientific Conference: Challenges of the 21st Century Economy - Krakow, EMAC Conference, etc.).

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