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Information Resources Management Association
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Lee Luan Ng

Lee-Luan Ng obtained her PhD in Applied Linguistic from University of Otago, New Zealand. She teaches postgraduate courses at the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics. She is also a certified trainer for the software, NVivo. She has been invited to conduct workshops on using computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software in deciphering research data at various public and private universities locally and abroad. She was involved in international scholar exchange at Beijing Foreign Studies University as well as participated in research projects with an interdisciplinary focus with organizations such as the British Council. Her current research interest includes computer assisted language learning, online learning, learning in higher education, the use of AI, VR and gaming in language learning. Lee Luan has also been invited to review journal articles for overseas and local publications such as Frontiers in Psychology - Language Sciences, Pertanika Journal, Malaysian Journal of ELT Research, and The Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction.
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