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Information Resources Management Association
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Mariya Shygun

Mariya M. Shygun is Doctor of Science in Economics (Accounting, Analysis and Audit), Professor, Auditor of Ukraine and Professor of the Accounting and Consulting Department at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (Kyiv, Ukraine). She is an author of more than 240 publications. Leader and participant in more than 12 research on accounting, auditing and taxation. Has been awarded for CIMA Employability Excellence Award 2021 – Regional Champion (Europe) and for Distinguished Contribution 2020 “Conceptual Changes in Accounting” for the CIMA Research Excellence Award, presented by the CGMA Global University and Academic Center of Excellence. Awarded as a recognized expert in the field of audit by the “Honor of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine” (2016). Research interests: theory and methodology of accounting and auditing; modeling of accounting.
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