Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Natalija Ignatova

Natalija Ignatova is a Doctor of Social Sciences (Education) and a lecturer at the Academic Centre of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Kaunas University of Technology. Natalija is a Master of Psychology and an experienced school psychologist working on implementing innovative ICT-based educational practices in class, especially for students with learning disabilities. In 2017, Natalija defended the doctoral dissertation “ICT-based Learning Personalisation Affordance in the Primary and Basic School.” Her research interests are learning personalization, student-driven learning, technology-based learning processes and their design, educational technology, and sustainable education in a creative society. Project management experience in the past years: ITEC – designing the Future classroom (EC FP7) 2010-2014 Safer Internet Centre in Lithuania – 2012-2014 (“Safer Internet,” Information Society and Media DG); 2015-2016 (CEF-Telecom), 2016-2018 (CEF-Telecom) Teaching ICT with Inquiry – TIWI (Erasmus+ KA2) Teachers & Researchers Networking for Inquiry-based Learning (Erasmus+ KA2)
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