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Information Resources Management Association
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Piotr Pietrzak

PIOTR PIETRZAK, Ph.D., is a co-founder of In Statu Nascendi Think Tank a non-partisan, independent, and highly diversified network of scholars organized to study a contemporary conflict and political philosophy that provides advice and ideas on specific issues related to geoeconomic, political, or socio-economic problems. He immerses himself in geopolitics every day. As a political thinker, author, and trained ontologist, he takes pride in infusing a pragmatic perspective into IR theory, conflict management, and geopolitics. He is also the author of On the Idea of Humanitarian Intervention : A New Compartmentalization of IR Theories (2021), editor of Dealing with Regional Conflicts of Global Importance (2024), & Analyzing Global Responses to Contemporary Regional Conflicts (2024), & Exploring the Implications of Local and Regional Conflicts (2024).
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