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Information Resources Management Association
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S. M. Nazmuz Sakib

S M Nazmuz Sakib is a multidisciplinary researcher, and has published several articles in the Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer, Simulacra, Journal of Innovation Information Technology and Application (JINITA), Waste Technology, and The IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Several of his articles are published by Cambridge Open Engage, a publication of Cambridge University Press. Some of the titles of his published research works include “The Impact of Oil and Gas Development on the Landscape and Surface in Nigeria,” “Assessing the Impact of Arctic Melting in the Predominantly Multilateral World System,” “LiDAR Technology - An Overview,” “Exploring the Intersection of Software Engineering and Mobile Technology from 2010 to 2021: A Review of Recent Research” “Comparing the sociology of culture in Bangladesh and India: Similarities and differences in Bangladeshi and Indian cultures” “Electrochemical Waste Water Treatment.”. Published “Chapter 3: Artificial Intelligence Model for ...” and “Chapter 11: Restaurant Sales Prediction Using Machine....” of the book, “Handbook of Research on AI and Machine Learning Applications in Customer Support and Analytics”.
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