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Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Saziye Yaman

Saziye Yaman is an Associate Professor of English in the Liberal Arts Department at American University of the Middle East in Kuwait since 2015. She taught various Academic writing and English communication courses in the Liberal Arts department. She was appointed as the Head of Foundation Program between 2016-2018, and later she initiated and acted as the head of the Writing Center at AUM for 3 years. She taught ELT Methodology and various TEFL and ESL courses at Cukurova University and Mersin University at B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. levels for over two decades in Turkey. She is the founder of the Foreign Languages Department, English Language and Literature Department, ELT Department, the Institute of Educational Sciences at Mersin University, where she worked for 25 years. She has been to several Erasmus universities to deliver lectures. She has served as the ELT Program Chair at Mersin University about 11 years and made numerous contributions to the university Boards, faculty journals and research committees, councils as well as in recruitment, Bologna and accreditation process. She supervised many MA Theses in ELT, taught in PhD in English Language Teaching programs, and contributed to various MA and PhD theses defense juries. Her research interests span both TEFL and ESL theories in In-service/Teacher Education. Much of her work has been on improving the understanding Reflection and Feedback in Education, Action Research, Learning Strategies, Professional Development, Academic Writing and Teacher Education. Her research focuses on constructivism, the use of technology in language classes, teachers’ professional learning, language teachers’ beliefs and perceptions. Dr. Yaman currently lives in Kuwait where she has been involved in both teaching and research.
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