Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Ushaa Eswaran

Ushaa Eswaran is an esteemed author, distinguished researcher, and seasoned educator with a remarkable journey spanning over 34 years, dedicated to advancing academia and nurturing the potential of young minds. Currently serving as a Principal and Professor in Andhra Pradesh, India, her vision extends beyond imparting cutting-edge technical expertise to encompass the nurturing of universal human values. With a foundation in Electronics Engineering, Dr. Eswaran delved into the realm of biosensors, carving a pioneering path in nanosensor models, a remarkable achievement that earned her a well-deserved Doctorate. Her insights have been encapsulated in her acclaimed book, “Internet of Things: Future Connected Devices,” offering profound insights into the evolving IoT landscape. Her expertise also finds its place in upcoming publications centered around computer vision and IoT technologies. Dr. Eswaran's commitment to literature is rooted in her unwavering passion to equip the younger generation with the latest knowledge fortified by ethical principles. Her book stands as a beacon of practical wisdom, providing a roadmap through the intricate IoT terrain while shedding light on its future societal impacts. Her forthcoming contributions unveil her interdisciplinary perspective, seamlessly integrating electronics, nanotechnology, and computing. Bolstering her scholarly contributions is her ORCID identifier, 0000-0002-5116-3403, a testament to her prolific research journey that encompasses over a hundred published papers. Dr. Eswaran thrives in merging her profound academic insights with her dedication to nurturing holistic student growth. Her tireless exploration of the dynamic interface between technology and human values continues to shape her works. As the author of “Secure Connections: Safeguarding the Internet of Things (IoT) with Cybersecurity,” Dr. Ushaa Eswaran's voice emerges as a beacon of wisdom in the realm of IoT. Her work encapsulates her dedication to enhancing the interconnected world while ensuring its resilience against cyber threats.
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