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The Role of Language and Symbols in Promotional Strategies and Marketing Schemes

The Role of Language and Symbols in Promotional Strategies and Marketing Schemes
Author(s)/Editor(s): Manuela Epure (Spiru Haret University, Romania)and Lorena Clara Mihăeş (University of Bucharest, Romania)
Copyright: ©2019
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5778-4
ISBN13: 9781522557784
ISBN10: 1522557784
EISBN13: 9781522557791


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In the increasingly competitive global market, successful and meaningful intercultural advertising plays a key role in reaching out to consumers from diverse language and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals and businesses to be able to navigate the field of marketing communications to cut through the noise in a consumerist society to persuade their target audience.

The Role of Language and Symbols in Promotional Strategies and Marketing Schemes provides emerging research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of the power of words and symbols used in promotional strategies and marketing schemes. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as shock advertising, branding, and celebrity endorsement, this book is ideally designed for marketers, managers, business professionals, academicians, researchers, and graduate-level students seeking current research on the use of language and symbols in marketing tactics.

Author's/Editor's Biography

Manuela Epure (Ed.)
Manuela Epure, Professor of Marketing Research in the Department of Marketing and International Business, with 26 years in an academic career, became a full member of Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK in 2007. She was elected as Vice-president of the Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities in 2015 and recently accepted as a correspondent member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Author of 11 textbooks and 42 articles and chapters she received the prize for special merits in education from the Romanian President in 2004. In February 2016, she was appointed to the High Level Advisory Group ”Open Science Policy Platform”. Notable publications: E-learning challenges in the European knowledge-based society , chapter in Developing and utilizing e-learning applications, IGI Global; Digital Literacy for effective communication in the new academic environment; The educational blogs a chapter in Social Media and the New Academic Environment: Pedagogical Challenges, IGI Global.

Lorena Mihăeş (Ed.)
Lorena Clara Mihaes has taught English for Specific Purposes at the University of Bucharest since 2014. She holds a BA in English and French, an MA in Literary Translation, and a PhD in Philology. Her PhD thesis dwells on the narrative unreliability in the novels of Kazuo Ishiguro. She has translated several fictional books from English for various publishing houses. Her interests include pragmatics, stylistics, cognitive studies, translation studies and, more recently, blended learning in higher education.


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