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Information and Communication Technology Uses in Agriculture: Agribusiness Industry Opportunities and Future Challenges

Information and Communication Technology Uses in Agriculture: Agribusiness Industry Opportunities and Future Challenges
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Author(s): Tizita Alemayehu Wasihun (West Virginia University, USA)and Blessing Maumbe (Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe)
Copyright: 2013
Pages: 17
Source title: E-Agriculture and Rural Development: Global Innovations and Future Prospects
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Blessing Maumbe (Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe)and Charalampos Z. Patrikakis (Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, Greece)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2655-3.ch017



The world has experienced an unprecedented growth in information and communication technologies (ICT) through the widespread use of personal computers, Internet, and mobile phones. The objectives of this chapter are to examine trends in ICT use in agriculture, identify key success factors for ICT utilization in agriculture, and investigate the implications of ICT-enabled value chains for the agribusiness industry. The chapter describes the strategic role of ICT in the development of both e-commerce and mobile commerce in agriculture globally. The chapter identifies the leading areas of ICT use in agriculture and agribusinesses as input procurement, production, marketing, food traceability, and financial service delivery. Producers are increasingly seeking ways to add value to their businesses by integrating ICT in the value chain. Similarly, consumers are becoming more knowledgeable about how they could use ICT to articulate their preferences. The chapter discusses key success factors for ICT applications affecting both the internal and external environment of agribusiness firms. The chapter concludes by drawing implications for ICT use in agriculture and agribusiness value chains.

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