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Survey of Trading Systems for Individual Investors

Survey of Trading Systems for Individual Investors
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Author(s): M. Kersch (Saarland University, Germany)and G. Schmidt (Saarland University, Germany & Hochschule Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein)
Copyright: 2012
Pages: 20
Source title: Information Systems for Global Financial Markets: Emerging Developments and Effects
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Alexander Y. Yap (Elon University, USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-162-7.ch008


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Trading decisions in financial markets can be supported by the use of trading algorithms. To evaluate trading algorithms and to generate orders to be executed on the stock exchange trading systems are used. In this chapter, we define the individual investors’ requirements on a trading system, and analyze 17 trading systems from an individual investor’s point of view. The results of our study point out that the best alternative for an individual investor is not one single trading system, but a combination of two different classes of trading systems.

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