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Sustainable Practices for Agriculture and Marketing Convergence

Sustainable Practices for Agriculture and Marketing Convergence
Author(s)/Editor(s): Jabulani Garwi (University of the Free State, South Africa), Reason Masengu (Middle East College, Oman)and Option Takunda Chiwaridzo (University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China)
Copyright: ©2024
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2011-2
ISBN13: 9798369320112
EISBN13: 9798369320129


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In the agricultural industry, factors such as environmental degradation, resource constraints, and climate change have left traditional agricultural practices inadequate in meeting the growing global food demand. Simultaneously, the marketing landscape is evolving rapidly due to technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and the rise of online platforms. Both agriculture and marketing are faced with the critical task of adapting and embracing sustainability in this ever-changing environment.

Sustainable Practices for Agriculture and Marketing Convergence offers a comprehensive solution to these pressing issues. This book is a practical blueprint for transforming the agricultural industry and revitalizing marketing strategies in the name of sustainability. At its core, the book aims to highlight the monumental significance of sustainable agriculture in mitigating the long-standing environmental impacts of conventional farming methods. It does so by presenting real-world case studies and best practices, inspiring and motivating the widespread adoption of sustainable agriculture.

Author's/Editor's Biography

Jabulani Garwi (Ed.)
Jabulani Garwi is an academic researcher, diplomat, and development practitioner specialising in sustainable development and African rural studies. With a strong interdisciplinary background, he holds a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Economic History from the University of Zimbabwe, a Master of Arts degree in Development Studies from the Midlands State University, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Sustainable Agriculture from the University of the Free State, South Africa. Dr. Garwi's research spans various critical areas including rural development, livelihoods, poverty dynamics, agrarian systems, food security, and the interplay between climate change and agriculture. His expertise also extends to contract farming, a vital mechanism for connecting smallholder farmers to agribusinesses and improving their market access and resource availability. Through his academic work, Dr. Garwi has made contributions to the field, publishing scholarly articles, participating in international conferences, and engaging in policy dialogues with governmental and non-governmental stakeholders. His research offers valuable insights and evidence-based recommendations, informing decision-making, shaping policy frameworks, and facilitating effective interventions for inclusive and sustainable development in rural Africa. Dr. Garwi's commitment to bridging the gap between academia and practice is evident through his active involvement in diplomatic and development initiatives.

Reason Masengu (Ed.)
Reason Masengu holds the position of Senior Lecturer of Marketing in the Department of Business Management at Middle East College, located in Muscat, Oman. In this role, he imparts knowledge in courses such as Global Marketing, Marketing Management, Digital Marketing, and other subjects pertaining to the business management domain. He undertakes various responsibilities, including student counseling, developing curricula, ensuring quality standards, and facilitating teaching and learning activities. Reason holds the distinction of being a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Senior Member of the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe, and a Professional Member of the Australian Marketing Institute. As an ardent researcher in the fields of marketing, logistics, and supply management, he has acquired international exposure in administering research grants.

Option Chiwaridzo (Ed.)
Option Takunda Chiwaridzo is currently a 4th year PhD student at the University of Science and Technology in Beijing, China. He holds a Masters degree in Business Management and Corporate Governance from Midlands State University in Zimbabwe. For the past 8 years, Mr. Chiwaridzo has worked at the Ministry on SMEs in Zimbabwe. He has also been a part-time lecturer for 4 years at the Izeikel Guti University in Zimbabwe. Originally from Zimbabwe, Mr. Chiwaridzo moved to China to pursue his doctoral studies and research in Business Administration. His work focuses on tourism marketing, nation branding, energy sustainability and efficiency. In his free time, Mr. Chiwaridzo enjoys reading, writing, playing and watching soccer. With his advanced education, teaching experience, and background working in the public sector, Mr. Chiwaridzo is well-positioned to make valuable contributions in his field.


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