Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Alexander López-Padrón

Alexander López Padrón is currently Senior Professor of the Graduate School and Director of Academic Management of the Academic Vice Rectorate of the Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador. Doctor in Veterinary Medicine from the Agrarian University of Havana, Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences from the Technological University of Havana (National Award of the Association of Pedagogues of Cuba), Post-doctorate from the University of Alicante. He was Director of the Center for Higher Agricultural Education Studies at the Agrarian University of Havana. He has also been an expert in Distance Education of the Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba. He has also participated as a teacher, coordinator or director in more than 25 seminars, workshops and training courses in Educational Technology and Educational Research Methods. His research areas are mainly focused on pedagogy and didactics of ICT in Education with more than 90 contributions (articles, book chapters, books, proceedings, etc.). He is academic coordinator of the Master in Education, mention Pedagogy in Digital Environments at the Technical University of Manabí, reviewer of several scientific journals indexed in Scopus and member of the research group GIDU-EDUTIC/IN of the University of Alicante. In the last 10 years he has worked as a researcher in more than 10 R+D+i research projects in Latin America, Caribbean, Europe and Africa, all of them closely related to Educational Technology.
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