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Information Resources Management Association
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Alina Mărgărițoiu

Mărgăriţoiu Alina is Associate Professor PhD at the Department of Educational Sciences from Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti. She had graduated the specialization in Special Psychopedagogy and obtained the title of Doctor of Philosophy from “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania in 2008. She teaches courses at Psychopedagogy of Children with Special Educational Needs, Social and Counselling Assistance, Psychopedagogy communication, Counselling Persons with Special Needs. Amongst her important books we mention: Teachers’ commitment from special and inclusive schools: A predictor of their humanity and loyalty (LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2017), Learning Difficulties. Educational Analysis and Intervention (Petroleum-Gas University Publishing, Ploieşti, 2013), Gesture in Teaching Communication (Institutul European Publishing, Iaşi, 2013). She was teacher in national project “Developing new key competences for teachers from Braila and Prahova Counties, expert in international project “Training of teaching staff in scientific and technological field by means of a master program” (countries involved – Romania and Netherlands), researcher in international project Daphne III “Preventing submerged violence” (countries involved – Italy, Romania and Spain).
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