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Information Resources Management Association
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Aneta Napieralska

Aneta Napieralska stands as a beacon in the legal realm, especially in financial law and the intricacies of emerging technologies. A proud alumnus of the renowned Jagiellonian University, she not only earned her law degree but also delved deep into a dissertation topic that explored the "Private Foundation as an Alternative to Polish Inheritance Law." Since 2017, the world of blockchain has been privileged to have her expertise. Napieralska has been at the forefront of investment projects, significantly in real estate tokenization and ICO token issuance. Her collaboration with Swiss legal firms has expanded her horizons, offering her invaluable experience in investment projects, AML procedures, and addressing cryptocurrency thefts. While many know her as an advocate and an industry expert, she's also a distinguished author. One of her notable contributions is a publication on cross-border mediation for the Ministry of Justice in Poland, shedding light on economic matters surrounding new technologies. Currently on her journey towards a doctorate, Napieralska's academic pursuits focus on investment agreements in the burgeoning blockchain sector. Her research delves deep into tokenization, financial instruments, and the intersections of intellectual property rights in new technologies and AI. An active voice in the fintech conversation, she has graced numerous industry conferences, leaving an indelible mark with her insights.
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