Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Antonio Medina

Antonio Medina-Rivilla is Professor Emeritus of UNED, and Director of more than a hundred and a half doctoral theses and coordinator of twenty Research, Educational Innovation and International Projection Projects. Participant and director of Master's Programs, and special international collaborator in several, 5- PhD programs, in Colombia- three, Mexico, Argentina, Latvia, Ecuador and three Universities in Spain, UNED, Jaén and UCLM. Education Supervisor of the Ministry of Education. Vice-Dean of the Complutense University of Madrid - 1982-86, and professor from 1974 to 1987, and Director of the Department of Didactics, School Organization and Special Didactics of UNED, from 1987 to 2015, Member of the Governing Board of the UNED, for three five-year periods, which marked the Interdisciplinary challenge and transformation of Didactics, Generator and Director of the Master's Degree. Educational Strategies and Technologies in a Multicultural Society. Author and coordinator of fifty works, particularly in the last six years, Handbook of Didactics, as well as Advisor and co-director, of Journals of great Impact and special collaborator and co-director in several, JCR, Scopus, Latindex. etc. He has published more than a hundred articles in numerous national and international journals. Keynote Speaker at more than 100 International Congresses in numerous countries. Currently Vice-President of the International Network
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