Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Ashok Sharma

Ashok Sharma has 22 Years of Teaching Experiences in Higher Education and i have worked in Various Reputed Institution of Higher Learning in India in different capacity.My area of Interest is Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and Data Science. He has attended 40+ DST/AICTE sponsored Training in different Technologies and have 40+ Research Articles in SCI/SCIE/Scopus indexed Journals with 10 Patent and Four Copyright, has developed MooCs in 4 Quadrant of 15 Courses, Running online Courses on Virtual Platform like Moodle,MoodleCloud,Canvas and Blackboard LMS .5 PhD has been awarded and 4 Scholars are working under my guidance in the area of Cloud Computing, Data Science and Cognitive Behaviour Analysis.
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