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Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Carlos Ballesteros

Carlos Ballesteros has been teaching at the University since 1992. His courses taught comprises Introduction to Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Ethics, Fair Trade and Responsible Consumption, among other subjects as e.g. Qualitative Methodology for doctoral research in marketing and business. He is also a voluntary Professor of International Marketing and Global Markets at “Jesuit Commons: Higher Education in the Margins”, an initiative which provides higher education at refugee camps in Africa and Asia. He has a strong international background, both as invited Professor (Böras-Sweden, TEC- Mexico) or keynote speaker (Guangzhou-China, Luanda- Angola, Paris-France). It has had several senior academic positions (Head of Studies, Academic Director). He is currently responsible for commissioning the Social Business Guidance Service, a service-learning project at the University. He has also been involved in a number of charities and fair trade and ethial banking projects in Spain: He is a recognized keynote speaker and newspaper and journal columnist. He has been appointed as an expert for advsing the European Commission Programs (including Marie Curie grants and H2020 TwiNN)
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