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Information Resources Management Association
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Dimitar Grozdanov Christozov

Dimitar Christozov is a Professor of Computer Science at the American University in Bulgaria, since 1993. He has more than 35 years of research and education experience in areas as computer science, applied statistics, information systems. His recent interests are in the field of business analytics and data science. He graduated Mathematics from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in 1979. He completed his Ph.D. thesis “Computer Aided Evaluation of Machine Reliability” in 1986 and D.Sc. thesis “Quantitative measures of the quality of informing” in 2009. At Central Institute of Mechanical Engineering (1979-1986) Dimitar Christozov was engaged in numerous software development projects. His major contribution was design and development of “Relia-Soft”, a software application to support research on evaluation machine reliability, for different platform widely used by Bulgarian industry. At Information Center for Technology Transfer “Informa” (1986-1993) Dr. Christozov was involved in establishing the national information network for technology transfer and lead the research in the areas of technologies assessment, integral quality measures and developing information systems in support of quality management. In these areas he was recognized as one of the leading experts in Bulgaria. At the American University in Bulgaria, he was the leading person in curriculum development of the majors of Computer Science (1993) and Information Systems (2008). In the period 2015-2017 he was appointed as the representative of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Executive Board of the Bulgarian Science Fund. Professor Christozov has more than 100 publications as separate volumes, journal papers and papers in refereed proceedings. He is a founding member and Fellow of Informing Science Institute and chair of Bulgarian Informing Science Society. For his contribution to the ISI he was awarded Zbigniew Gackowski Memorial Award for excellent and the advancement of Informing Science. He is founding member and fellow of Applied Knowledge Management Institute; founding member of the Bulgarian Statistical Society; and the Bulgarian Telework Association. He had chaired and served as member of Program and Organizing Committees of many international conferences and other scientific events.
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