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Effie Kyrikaki

Effie Kyrikakis , MSc in Applied Psychology (London Metropolitan University) is a seasoned international TESOL educator, CEO of MetaMathesis Life Long Learning Organisation, teacher trainer and mentor of educators. She has created NeuroLearningPower®, the structured mentoring framework that supports women educators and their students to thrive. Effie is a certified coach and international NLP trainer. She mentors and evaluates coaching and NLP training programs with ITA (International Trainers’ Academy of NLP) internationally. She collaborates with educational organisations and colleges in Greece and Cyprus and has designed numerous courses for the Aegean University Lifelong Learning Programs as an adjunct professor. Effie was a founding member and first president of HCCMA (Hellenic Coaching, Counselling, Mentoring Association). As a CEO and Academic Director of MetaMathesis, she has served as an organiser and member in scientific committees of a number of Conferences on pedagogy, coaching and well-being. She is often invited as a speaker and workshop facilitator to share her passion for personal and educational leadership. Her vision is the transformation of education paradigms from success at all costs to happiness at all levels.
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