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Hafsa Talpur

Hafsa Talpur is currently working as a researcher at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology. She has been leading various projects related to IoT/WSN systems RF/antenna and microwave technology, and biomedical applications. She has also published national and international conference articles. In 2021, She received her BE degree in Telecommunication Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh. In 2022, she joined the same institution for a Master of Engineering degree in Computer and Information Engineering with a focus on in-depth knowledge of the latest technological advancement. Her ongoing research areas include RF/antenna and microwave technology, electromagnetics in biomedical applications, phase shifters, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning in electromagnetics. She is an active IEEE graduate student member and a registered Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) member.
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