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Izni Azrein Noor Azalie

Izni Azrein Noor Azalie is a human geographer who graduated with an MSc in Global Transformations from Loughborough University UK and is currently in the final stages of his PhD at University College London, researching halal industrial governing and its effects on Brunei agri-food producers. He did professional consultancies involving environmental and communal advisories relating to oil and gas explorations, environmental monitoring, and impact assessments on urban development projects and the socio-economic costs of industrial development for communities in Brunei Darussalam. His specialization covers industrial networks of production, urban economic growth, and industrial development, specifically, which falls under the general theme on Urban and Cultural Economy. He was involved in poverty and poverty alleviation studies in the former city centre of the Bruneian Sultanate, Kampong Ayer which concluded in 2022. His current research is on understanding the dynamics between a place's genus loci (both cultural and economic attributes/ networks) and urban plan construction for one of the earliest places to be urbanized in Brunei, the Menglait Gadong area. Between 2021 and the present, he is also involved in research involving Brunei’s rising coffee and tea sector. He teaches modules under the Geography, Environment and Development (GED) Programme, mainly on urban/ cultural economy, industrial governing and development as well as people, places and cultures.
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