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John Rugutt

John Rugutt is a professor of educational research, applied statistics, measurement, assessment, evaluation and educational technology in the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations at Illinois State University. His research and scholarship focus on teaching and learning environments with special emphasis on using multilevel techniques to understand the contribution of individual and institutional factors on learning. John engagement in scholarly activities has enabled him to publish and co-author book, book chapters, and several articles both in refereed journals such as the Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, Planning and Changing, Educational Research Quarterly, Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies and in other professional sources. He has also presented papers at various annual meetings of regional and national/ professional organizations and has also written research monographs, research grants, book chapters and project reports pertaining to student dropout and youth risk behavior, and on correlates and predictors of Intent to Remain Employed in Family and Children Services.
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