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Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Pandian Vasant

Dr. Pandian Vasant is a senior lecturer at Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science and Information technology, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in Malaysia. He holds PhD in Computational Intelligence, MSc (Engineering Mathematics) and BSc (Hons) in Mathematics. His research interests include Soft Computing, Hybrid Optimization, Holistic Optimization, innovative computing and Applications. He has co-authored research papers and articles in national journals, international journals, conference proceedings, conference paper presentation, and special issues lead guest editor, lead guest editor for book chapters’ project, conference abstracts, edited books , keynote lecture and book chapters (150 publications indexed in SCOPUS). In the year 2009, Dr. Pandian Vasant was awarded top reviewer for the journal Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier) and awarded outstanding reviewer in the year 2015 for ASOCO (Elsevier) journal. He has 25 years of working experience at the various universities from 1989-2016. Currently he is Editor-in-Chief of IJCO, IJSIEC, IEM, IJEOE and Editor of GJTO. H-Index SCOPUS Citations = 33, H-Index Google Scholar = 22.
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