Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Rado Bohinc

Rado Bohinc is a full professor of Economic, Labor and European law at the EMUNI University in Piran and its president and scientific councillor at FDV and the Scientific Research Centre Koper; he researches corporate and institutional law as well as public and corporate governance and social responsibility. His earlier scientific works are the books Property and Management, 1988 (GV) and Delniška družba 1990, (GV). At the turn of the millennium, his books Corporate Governance between Europe and the USA, 2001 (FDV) and Legal Persons, 2003 (GV) were published. His most important scientific monographs published abroad are: Corporations and Partnerships, 4 editions, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2018, 2020 (Kluwer), Comparative Corporate law, 2010 (Verlag DM, Saarbrücken), Insurance Law (co-authored)), 2018 (Kluwer), Media Law, 2014, 2019 (Kluwer). The fundamental scientific works published in Slovenia are: Corporations, 2009 (Nebra), Comparative Corporate Management, 2011 (UP, FM) Social Responsibility 2017 (FDV), University and State, 2021. He is also the editor and co-author of several collections and joint monographs, e.g.: For social responsibility, 2018 (FDV), Corporate social responsibility, 2016 (FDV), Corporate governance as a tool for economic growth, 2016 (FDV). He lectured at many universities abroad (USA - Fullbright, Spain, Italy - Erasmus, Austria, Sweden - Tempus, Norway, Russia, India, Nepal, South Korea, New Zealand, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic) and appeared as a speaker at several than 30 domestic and international scientific conferences and symposiums.
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