Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Selma Mosquera

Selma Mosquera is Spanish and Brazilian, married, has two gorgeous sons and lives in the District of Lisbon, Portugal, where she chairs the Torres Vedras Migrant Association - AMTV and runs her own business. In addition, she is a researcher at CAPP / ISCSP-Universidade de Lisboa and a lecturer at the Visconde de Cairu Foundation-Brazil. She has two great passions: Human Development and Management. Her career includes: PhD in Human Resources Development / Entrepreneurship Policies from the University of Lisbon; Master in Human Development; Specializations in Human Resource Development and Organizational Management; a Degree in Social Work and Management. She was a Coordinator for Graduation and Specialization Programs. She served as NE-Brazil Program Manager for the NGO Suzan G. Komen (USA) and was also a Director responsible for the Development and People Management Area at SEDUC / Alagoinhas-Ba-Brasil. With over 20 years of experience, she has developed expertise in areas such as: People Management; Entrepreneurship education; Migrant entrepreneurship; Social management; Education, Teaching and Learning; Training and Human Development; Strategic planning; Recruitment and selection; Emotional education; Career Orientation; Mentoring; Corporate University; Motivation; Organizational Culture and Leadership.

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