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Sezen Arslan

Sezen Arslan is an assistant professor of English Language Teaching at Bandırma 17 Eylül University in Turkey, where she is leading as the vice-director of the School of Foreign Languages. She received her MA degree from Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University and her Ph.D. degree in English Language Teaching from Hacettepe University. She has taught undergraduate courses in language testing/assessment and material development. She published in various refereed journals and presented papers in national and international conferences. She has also served on the editorial boards of international journals. She is currently the chief editor of the Futuristic Implementations of Research in Education (FIRE). Her main research interests are foreign language teacher training, professional development of language teachers, assessment, and intercultural awareness in language classrooms.(aa351f62-df2e-4ebe-beb5-1d2980f438d0)

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