Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Stefan Koch

Stefan Koch is an associate professor of information business at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria. He received an MBA in management information systems from Vienna University and Vienna Technical University, and a PhD from Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Currently, he is involved in the undergraduate and graduate teaching program, especially in software project management and ERP packages. His research interests include open source software development, cost estimation for software projects, IT investment analysis and governance, the evaluation of benefi ts from information systems, applications of data envelopment analysis, and ERP systems. He has edited a book titled Free/Open Source Software Development for an international publisher in 2004, and acted as guest editor for Upgrade for a special issue on libre software. He has published 10 papers in peer-reviewed journals, and over 25 in international conference proceedings and book collections. He has given talks at more than 20 international and national conferences and events, acted as program committee member for 8 conferences, including the Second Conference on Open Source Systems, and served as a reviewer for several journals including Management Science, CACM, Journal of Systems and Software, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Research Policy, and Journal of Management Information Systems, as well as numerous conferences including HICSS and ICIS.
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