Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Tom Cockburn

Tom Cockburn is a Senior Associate, The leadership Alliance Inc. He obtained his first degree with honors from Leicester University, England, and his MBA and Doctorate frm Cardiff University, Wales. He has several professional teaching and assessment qualifications, including e-moderator certification and executive coaching qualifications from the UK Universities of Wolverhampton, Liverpool, and University of Ulster; the Waikato Institute of Technology (New Zealand); Hay Consulting (Australia); and EdExcel Foundation in London. Tom is Associate Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Management; a member of a number of editorial boards of international academic journals; and review member of the Cutting Edge Awards Committee, US Academy of HRD. Tom has 5 years Board experience on the Standing Conference of Welsh Management Education Centers, 8 years as Head of a UK Business school and a deputy Head of School in New Zealand. He has adjunct and visiting E-faculty roles on Henley Business School (UK) and Ulster University Business Schools’ MBA and MS programs.
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