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Yiqian Zhang

Yiqian Zhang embarked on her academic journey at London South Bank University, securing a BA and an MSc in International Accounting and Finance. Her educational voyage culminated at Coventry University where she earned a Ph.D. in Accounting. Now serving as an Assistant Lecturer at Coventry University, Dr. Zhang imparts knowledge across diverse financial and accounting modules, such as Financial Accounting Foundations and Corporate Governance and Ethics. Her pedagogical approach extends beyond traditional teaching to include academic progress coaching, providing holistic mentorship to students. In her tenure as a Research Assistant at Coventry University, Dr. Zhang made notable contributions to projects focused on Accounting Regulation, Corporate Governance, and Technology Affordances. Dr. Zhang is a recognized Fellow of Higher Education (FHEA) and a member of the British Accounting and Finance Association. Her research interests encompass financial reporting accountability, accounting quality measurements, and corporate governance. Through her scholarly and research pursuits, Dr. Zhang continues to explore complex financial paradigms, significantly enriching the academic discourse in accounting and finance.
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