Creator of Knowledge
Information Resources Management Association
Advancing the Concepts & Practices of Information Resources Management in Modern Organizations

Zaim Azizi Bin Abu Bakar

Zaim Azizi Abu Bakar is a lecturer at the School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Taylor’s University, teaching Mata Pelajaran Umum(MPU)and Social Sciences modules such as Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia, Penghayatan Etika & Peradaban, Introduction to Ethics and Social Innovation Projects. He holds a Master’s degree in Teaching and Learning from Taylor’s University and a Bachelor’s degree in Human Sciences from International Islamic University, Malaysia. Zaim was involved in scholarly and industry experience; being an expert reviewer for Oxford Fajar, and reviewing Higher Education (IPT) textbooks. He received a TRGS grant under Emerging arch Funding Scheme and actively presented in conferences and published articles in journals. He won several national awards in E-Content Development for MPU modules and under Social Sciences & Humanities Category. He grabbed Gold Awards in ECONDEV 2021 for MOOC and Pitching Category. Recently, Zaim has won the Gold Award for Invention, Innovation & Design on E-Learning (IUCEL)2022. Zaim has been involved in several national projects with government agencies such a sPEMANDU and the Department of National Unity & Integration (JPNIN).
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