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Audience Sociology and Consumer Behavior in the Film Industry

Audience Sociology and Consumer Behavior in the Film Industry
Author(s)/Editor(s): Azime Cantaş (Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey)
Copyright: ©2025
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3104-0
ISBN13: 9798369331040
EISBN13: 9798369331057


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With traditional media forms merging with emerging digital platforms, researchers and scholars face the daunting task of untangling the complex interplay between media consumption, cultural identities, and societal norms. Navigating this intricate terrain can be challenging, especially given the need for a cohesive research agenda.

Audience Sociology and Consumer Behavior in the Film Industry offers a comprehensive and timely solution to address these challenges. This book critically examines existing research paradigms and proposes a fresh agenda for audience sociology, providing a roadmap for scholars and students. The book also explores the historical foundations of audience research and the transformative impact of cinema, television, and new media on cultural, sociological, and ethnic structures.

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