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Game-Based Education Approaches to Inclusive Business Management

Game-Based Education Approaches to Inclusive Business Management
Author(s)/Editor(s): Giuseppe Modarelli (University of Turin, Italy), Christian Rainero (University of Turin, Italy)and Stefano Amelio (University of Insubria, Italy)
Copyright: ©2025
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1172-1
ISBN13: 9798369311721
EISBN13: 9798369311738


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Addressing social inequalities and fostering holistic well-being has never been more pressing. As people grapple with environmental challenges and navigate the complexities of human interactions, the need for a paradigm shift in how businesses are managed becomes vital. Seeking to confront the profound issue at the heart of our societal fabric — the need for organizations, both public and private, to transcend conventional practices— emerges Game-Based Education Approaches to Inclusive Business Management as a tool for change. The book advocates for a transformative approach that integrates game-based learning and working methodologies to instigate a shift towards inclusivity, social responsibility, and overall well-being. Scholars, academics, practitioners, and those passionate about reshaping our societal fabric are invited to contribute to this collective effort, shaping a future where inclusivity and well-being are not mere ideals but integral components of business management.

Grounded in the understanding that the fate of our planet hinges not only on environmental responsibility but also on the quality of human interactions within our work environments, this book ventures into uncharted territory. The objective is clear: to dissect the challenges impeding inclusive practices in business management. By melding research with game-based methodologies, the book seeks to uncover solutions that transcend traditional boundaries. It endeavors to examine the complexities of reducing inequalities and fostering inclusivity by delving into organizational, economic, and personal perspectives. The fusion of game-based learning and game-based working emerges as a driving force for promoting organizational well-being, challenging existing norms, and paving the way for a future where inclusivity is not just an aspiration but an intrinsic aspect of business management.

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