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Global Perspectives on the Applications of Computer Vision in Cybersecurity

Global Perspectives on the Applications of Computer Vision in Cybersecurity
Author(s)/Editor(s): Franklin Tchakounté (University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon)and Marcellin Atemkeng (Rhodes University, South Africa)
Copyright: ©2024
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8127-1
ISBN13: 9781668481271
ISBN10: 1668481278
EISBN13: 9781668481295


View Global Perspectives on the Applications of Computer Vision in Cybersecurity on the publisher's website for pricing and purchasing information.


As cybersecurity threats continue to grow in scale and complexity, it is crucial to explore new and innovative solutions to combat them. The application of computer vision (CV) techniques in cybersecurity offers a promising solution to protect sensitive data and systems from malicious attacks. By leveraging CV algorithms, cybersecurity professionals and researchers can design more efficient and effective cybersecurity solutions, making them better equipped to handle the growing number of cyber threats.

Global Perspectives on the Applications of Computer Vision in Cybersecurity is a comprehensive guide that offers practical insights into the principles and techniques of computer vision for cybersecurity. The book highlights the real-world applications of CV in various domains, including computer system security, web security, network security, IoT security, and digital forensics. It also emphasizes the importance of responsible CV for cybersecurity, ensuring that CV models adhere to ethical principles and are transparent and interpretable. By reading this book, cybersecurity professionals and researchers can gain a better understanding of how to use CV techniques to design solid cybersecurity solutions and address the challenges involved. With the guidance of the editors, Franklin Tchakounte and Marcellin Atemkeng, who are experts in both cybersecurity and computer vision, readers can leverage the power of CV to secure the future of our digital world. Join the movement today to revolutionize the field of cybersecurity and protect against the growing threat of cyber-attacks.

Author's/Editor's Biography

Franklin Tchakounté (Ed.)
Franklin Tchakounte is an Associate Professor and researcher in computer science with more than 10 years of experience in cybersecurity and data intelligence. He received his M.Sc. in Computer engineering from the University of Ngaoundere (Cameroon, 2010) and his Ph.D. in Mobile Security from the University of Bremen (Germany, 2015). Franklin owns several IT certifications. He authored books, book chapters, and several research papers in cyber security. He is the founder of the Cybersecurity with Computational and Artificial Intelligence (CyComAI, ) company. He has been involved in international projects. He is a fellow of DAAD Staff Exchange in Sub-Saharan Africa, Research Mobility grants in Cameroon, and the WebWeWant F.A.S.T project. He is a member of numerous societies: EAI, ISOC SIG Cybersecurity, ISOC SIG Cybersecurity Training and Education, Research Data Alliance (RDA), AuthorAID, and Africa Association of Entrepreneurs (AAE). He is currently the Cameroonian representative of Responsibility in AI in Africa (RAIN) and his interests include cyber security and artificial/digital intelligence.


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