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Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education

Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
Author(s)/Editor(s): Kenan Dikilitaş (Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey)
Copyright: ©2016
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9471-2
ISBN13: 9781466694712
ISBN10: 1466694718
EISBN13: 9781466694729


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Professional development of educators is an complex process through which teachers strive continuously for pedagogical improvement. In that sense, professional growth benefits learners and teachers while also promoting the quality of the schools, colleges, and academic departments where it takes place.

Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education is an authoritative publication featuring the latest scholarly research on a wide range of professional advancement topics in STEM education with special emphasis on content, process, implementation, and impact, as well as on the implications for teachers, educators, and administrators. Highlighting comprehensive research across a broad scope of relevant issues including, but not limited to, teacher training, development models, and the implementation of leadership practices, this book is a seminal reference source for STEM professionals working in schools, colleges, and various science and mathematics departments at secondary and post-secondary institutions.

Table of Contents


Reviews and Testimonials

This volume brings together 14 chapters contributed by educators and others from Europe, the US, South Africa, and Iraq, who describe professional development methods and strategies for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education. They discuss the role of the professional doctorate, selecting scientists to mentor girls, primary grade teachers' professional development in formative assessment, in-service training programs for science teachers, a professional development model, the role of teacher leadership, the use of a blended learning environment for educational technology training, professional development programs in educational technology in higher education, learner-centered professional development in math, the needs of subject teachers who are non-native speakers of English training in teaching subjects in English, the impact of professional development programs on teacher beliefs and practices, the use of computer assisted language learning resources in teaching English as a foreign language, pre-service teachers' reflections on their instructional practices, and prospective English as a foreign language teachers' beliefs about teachers and teaching.

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Author's/Editor's Biography

Kenan Dikilitaş (Ed.)
Kenan Dikilitas is currently an Assistant Professor at department of English language teaching at Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep, Turkey. He completed his PhD in ELT at Yeditepe University, Istanbul. He has published articles and edited books on teacher research as a professional development strategy. He has also conducted teacher research projects and has given hands-on workshops on how to do educational research across Turkey and overseas. His teacher training experience primarily includes supporting teacher research for professional development. His primary research interests are language teacher education, educational research, research into language teaching and learning, and linguistics for teaching pedagogy. He is one of the committee members of IATEFL ReSIG.


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