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Network Security and Its Impact on Business Strategy

Network Security and Its Impact on Business Strategy
Author(s)/Editor(s): Ionica Oncioiu (European Academy of the Regions, Belgium)
Copyright: ©2019
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8455-1
ISBN13: 9781522584551
ISBN10: 1522584552
EISBN13: 9781522584568


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Information and communication systems are an essential component of our society, forcing us to become dependent on these infrastructures. At the same time, these systems are undergoing a convergence and interconnection process that, besides its benefits, raises specific threats to user interests. Citizens and organizations must feel safe when using cyberspace facilities in order to benefit from its advantages.

Network Security and Its Impact on Business Strategy provides innovative insights into the impact of m-commerce, m-learning, and m-knowledge management technologies and the risks their usage has on different organizations, such as online stores, higher education institutions, multinational corporations, health providers, and more. Highlighting topics including cyberterrorism, smart security, and cyber ethics, this book is designed for IT and security specialists and consultants, managers and risk managers, corporations, health providers, researchers, academicians, and students.

Author's/Editor's Biography

Ionica Oncioiu (Ed.)
Ionica Oncioiu holds a Ph.D. in economy and accounting. Her research interests include the development of SMEs innovation, Project Management, Accounting Information Systems, Asset Management and E-Commerce Marketing. She had more than 10 years of experience in this area and has published 10 text books and more than 70 papers in scholarly peer reviewed international journals. She also authored eight books.


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