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Reskilling the Workforce for Technological Advancement

Reskilling the Workforce for Technological Advancement
Author(s)/Editor(s): Oytun Meçik (Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey)
Copyright: ©2024
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0612-3
ISBN13: 9798369306123
EISBN13: 9798369306147


View Reskilling the Workforce for Technological Advancement on the publisher's website for pricing and purchasing information.


The modern workforce is continually evolving, presenting an ongoing challenge to business stakeholders, from workers to administration. Technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, and the ever-changing global economic landscape have set the stage for a resounding conundrum. How can workers, employers, and society adapt to this rapidly transforming environment? Reskilling the Workforce for Technological Advancement presents an answer in the concept of reskilling existing workforces.

As highlighted in the book, reskilling offers a path to not only address the challenges faced by individuals but also to propel businesses and society forward. The first issue at hand is the need for workers to continually develop new skills and adapt to new roles in response to technological advancements. Reskilling the Workforce for Technological Advancement presents a compelling solution by outlining how reskilling can open to new career opportunities, boost earning potential, and provide the necessary tools for individuals to remain competitive.

Author's/Editor's Biography

Oytun Meçik (Ed.)
Oytun Meçik currently works at the Department of Economics, Eskisehir Osmangazi University. He does research in Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Regional Development, Economic and Social Networks, Structural Transformation, and Industrial Innovation. Meçik is currently researching the effects of education-job mismatch, industrial transformation, and computerization in the labor market. He has recently published "Analysis of the Local Economic Development of Eskişehir and Eskişehir's Labour Market Analysis" as part of ILO's Promoting Decent Work Opportunities for Non-Syrian Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Turkey project. He has also editorial experiences in various journals and he is a member of the Turkish Economic Association.


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