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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Future Directions of Leadership From Robots (LFR) in Organizations

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Future Directions of Leadership From Robots (LFR) in Organizations
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Author(s): Abdullah Al Farabe (BRAC University, Bangladesh), Ahmad Saleheen (BRAC University, Bangladesh), Samin Yaser Noman (BRAC University, Bangladesh)and S. M. Farhan Atique (BRAC University, Bangladesh)
Copyright: 2024
Pages: 17
Source title: Utilizing AI and Smart Technology to Improve Sustainability in Entrepreneurship
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Syed Far Abid Hossain (BRAC University, Bangladesh)
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1842-3.ch011


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Traditional conceptions of leadership have undergone a dramatic change with the introduction of robots into leadership positions (LP). AI and robots will continue to improve, and this will likely have an impact on leadership in enterprises in the future. The abstract explores the leadership capabilities of robots (LCR), highlighting their advantages in working automation. The model finishes by arguing that includes three queries about the uses of Al significantly affective on leadership in workplaces, leadership positions in the medical industry and needing ethical considerations to deal with patients' data to improve patient care. Moreover, this research has a quality assessment with five questionnaires based on the substantial impact on leadership in work systems, the study of potential futures for leadership, the standard of study's research model, following leadership ethics and matching a similar focus between our study and the papers that were collected from other researchers to watch the impact of future direction leadership activity in AI within the organization.

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