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Emerging Implications of Metaverse Healthcare Analysis to the Individual and the Society

Emerging Implications of Metaverse Healthcare Analysis to the Individual and the Society
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Author(s): Annamalai Selvarajan (Jain University (Deemed), India), Sangeetha Nagamani (City Engineering College, Bangalore, India), Suresh Kumar A. (Jain University (Deemed), India), Tejavarma Dommaraju (Jain University (Deemed), India), Harsha Vardhan Gandhodi (Jain University (Deemed), India)and Dimitrios A. Karras (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
Copyright: 2024
Pages: 38
Source title: Ubiquitous Computing and Technological Innovation for Universal Healthcare
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Arumugam Suresh Kumar (Jain University (Deemed), India), Geetha Ganesan (Jain University (Deemed), India), Ramesh Sekaran (Jain University (Deemed), India), Batri Krishnan (Jain University (Deemed), India)and N. V. Kousik (Arden University, UK)
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2268-0.ch005


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Nowadays, Metaverse continues to be a boon for virtual space. The word Metaverse was coined by Neal Stephenson in his science fiction novel “Snow Crash.” It has become the next iteration of the internet. Metaverse is defined as a distinct, ubiquitous, deeply engaged, insistent, 3D virtual space where we can virtually create a life better than the physical world. The real world has evolved tremendously since the COVID-19 pandemic. People have isolated themselves from gatherings and other activities. Organisations began to use new technology for remote work. Metaverse had pushed forward to fix the problem by employing augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR) and extended reality (ER). Furthermore, the metaverse is regarded as a web of a virtual environment in which avatars interact to provide an immersive experience. Metaverse features include digital avatars, decentralisation, highly effective remote work, security, and privacy.

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