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Information Resources Management Association
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Employee Attitudes towards Business-to-Employee (B2E) Portals Use: Analysing the Role of Demographic Characteristics

Employee Attitudes towards Business-to-Employee (B2E) Portals Use: Analysing the Role of Demographic Characteristics
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Author(s): Md Mahbubur Rahim (Monash University, Australia), Mohini Singh (RMIT University, Australia)and Mohammad Quaddus (Curtin University, Australia)
Copyright: 2011
Pages: 21
Source title: Implementing New Business Models in For-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations: Technologies and Applications
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Te Fu Chen (Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-129-4.ch013



B2E portals represent a state of the art technology for organisations (businesses) to deal with employees using electronic communication, access and data management. B2E portals enable reduced operation costs for organisations and satisfied employees by offering them convenience, flexibility and agility. However, adoption, continued use, and eventual success of portals depend to a large extent on employees’ attitudes towards portal use, which generally impinges on demographic characteristics of employees. To establish the influence of demographic characteristics on employee attitudes towards portal use, this chapter reports a study on B2E portal use and employee attitudes from a large Australian university. This chapter highlights that employees’ attitudes towards portal use is only somewhat positive, and not overwhelmingly favourable. Although not statistically significant, attitudes of employee varied based on age and educational background. Senior management of organisations should thus formulate strategies to develop positive attitudes for portal use to accelerate its diffusion among employee communities. Such strategies should take into consideration of the possible effect of employees’ age and educational characteristics. E-commerce researchers could undertake further research to find out whether demographic characteristics become more significant once the portals are in use for sometime.

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